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{:de}U Cruise - EN/LTF B{:}{:gb}U Cruise - EN/LTF B{:}{:fr}U Cruise - | AirCross Paragliders
AirCross Paragliders

U Cruise – EN/LTF B

    designed by Paul Amiell

    U Cruise EN/LTF B

    The new AirCross U Cruise has undergone the most rigorous tests worldwide to fulfill the high European standard. It is categorized as LTF/EN B glider.

    The outstanding flight behavior will satisfy every high level pilot from the first flight on. From hobby to competition pilot – this glider will bring pure joy, especially to those, who fancy long distance flights. High speed range as well as high performance data together with the direct and extraordinary easy handling of the U Cruise lead to best results in practice and  a lot of flying fun.

    This is what Ziad Bassil (world class pilot and independent tester) said about the new U Cruise glider ” I can imagine many pilots on the U-Cruise getting some serious XC distances with the extra comfort this glider delivers. The overall usability and especially the top speed are really good for the B category. “ Read more about it here Link

    And Ziad was proven right! On 1st of november our CEO Konrad flew a new world record on the U Cruise with 446km XC and 425km to declared goal (recognition still pending). You can see the flight here Link

  • Video

    not jet avalible

  • Downloads


    U Cruise S Testreport

    U Cruise M Testreport

    U Cruise L Testreport

    U Cruise XL Testreport (noch in der Zulassung)

  • 1st of november 2016 Konrad Görg – CEO of AirCross – flew 446km XC with the U Cruise in Brazil:

    “. . . the stability of the glider, the extraordinary glide and especially
    its high speed, allowing me to enter thermals even with headwind,
    helped me to achieve this record flight. A feeling beyond words
    after flying for almost 11 hours!”

    Have a look at the flight

    Der unabhängige Blogger Ziad Bassil über den U Cruise:

    “. . . In Alpine conditions I can imagine many pilots on the U-Cruise
    getting some serious XC distances with the extra comfort this
    glider delivers.The overall usability and especially the top speed
    are really good for the B category.”

    Stephen Charlton von Pancho and Amelia ASET bv über den U Cruise:

    “I have just flown the new EN B Cruiser which was at your Austrian Dealer and found it a wonderful glider to fly.
    I like the softer brake and wonderful flat turns I can make.
    It also retains a nice reaction to the brake input when needed giving nice wingovers and progressive spiral.
    The glider has a nice climb into thermals and dampens the bumps nicely.

    The glider is an allround good piece of work!!!”

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