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XC-Team Belgium | AirCross Paragliders
AirCross Paragliders

XC-Team Belgium

Quentin Courtois

Quentin Courtois

Quentin Courtois, né le 16 novembre 1984, je suis un pilote belge de parapente depuis 2008.
Frank Torfs

Frank Torfs

I first met paragliding in the 90ties when climbing the Dom in Switserland;a few climbers with big rucksacks also made the top but continued to a large field next of the top.They opended their backpacks and unfowlded something...a paraglider.For them it was a 30min glide to the village, for me it was a 5h and 3000m descend by foot with hurting knees at the end.Have to learn paragliding, i told myself.but it took until 2000 to start practicing.Now i'm flying Aircross for the + 5 th year,my third U-Sport 1or2 and still love it more and more.Thanks Gibus for creating this Ultima's!CU@FL115

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